Terms and Conditions

Behavior. Fort Wayne Improv LLC (“FWI”) strongly supports the rights of all its performers, teachers, employees, and students to create, perform, learn, and work in a safe, supportive environment free from all forms of harassment. FWI will not tolerate harassment on the basis of any protected statuses, including but not limited to race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability. FWI has ZERO TOLERANCE for harassment of any kind. If it comes to our attention that there has been an incident, there will be immediate disciplinary action taken, up to and including expulsion from the theater, event, class, or workshop without refund.

Waiver of Liability. You recognize and understand that all performers, patrons, and students in activities, classes, and performances produced by FWI participate at their own risk. You understand the risks of physical injury inherent to acting, improv, or any and all activities participated in at FWI, and you fully assume those risks.

You hereby release FWI, its instructors, employees, contractors, and agents from all liability for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while attending or participating in any classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances.

You agree to hold harmless FWI and its instructors, employees, contractors, and agents for liabilities, costs and judgments arising from acts or omissions committed by you which result in injury or damage to any person or property.

You agree to pursue no legal action against FWI or its instructors, employees, contractors, and agents for liabilities, costs, and judgments arising from acts or omissions committed by you which result in injury or damage to any person or property.

Medical Release. You authorize FWI or its instructors, employees, contractors, and agents to secure the services of a physician or hospital and agree to provide payment for the necessary incurred services in the event of accident or illness.

Privacy Policy. FWI will not sell, distribute, or release any personal information without your consent.

Personal Property. You understand and agree that it is your sole responsibility to safeguard your personal property while attending or participating in any classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances produced by FWI. You release FWI and its instructors, employees, contractors, and agents from all liability for loss or damage to your personal property while attending or participating in classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances produced by FWI.

Photo Release. FWI reserves the right to use photographs and videos taken during classes, workshops, performances, or other affiliated events for the purposes of instruction, advertising and promoting FWI and its programs. Patrons, students, or parents of patrons or students who are minors, who do not wish to comply with this policy must notify FWI prior to participation in activities produced by FWI.

By your purchase of a ticket or class registration, you acknowledge receipt of the above terms and conditions and agree to abide by the same.

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